Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Snuggie Problem.

I don't usually fall for infomercials, but this one spoke to me on a primal level; I've tried every manner of volumizing product but, no matter what I do, I can't keep my hair from touching my scalp.

Enter the InStyler.

Aside from the fact that it looks dangerous and impossible to use, this is the fine print:

*LIMITED TIME OFFER! $14.99 Trial Offer is for two (2) InStylers® for 30 days. After 30 days, do nothing and keep BOTH InStylers® for just three monthly payments of $39.99. The second InStyler® is FREE!! (plus S&P).

So, not only would I have to buy two (which, by the way, is how you end up like this poor woman), I have to rent to own. Two. IN THIS RECESSIOLYPSE. I can't even figure out who is expected to go through the hassle of buying this, unless Princess Mombi's been relegated to the ghetto.


  1. you should totally look into BUMPITS -- you'll never have to worry about flat hair again. i just saw this commercial and then read your post. it's like it's meant to be.

  2. I was totally going to mention the BUMPITS. Have you seen them? The Mega BUMPIT looks like some weird growth that should have been surgically removed years ago.
