Monday, February 23, 2009

The kids aren't alright.

I found a note after school today.

Im pregnant by Lonnie dont tell nobody cause nobody really know Im like 2 weeks now! [sic]

And then I found this next to my car.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Breakfast: having the best week ever.

Breakfast put the smack down on both Michael Phelps and Chris Brown this week when, outraged by images of a twentysomething using recreational drugs (on a college campus), Kellogg's retracted their Phelps endorsement, and milk told Chris Brown he was a little too hitty and bitey to be the face of strong teeth and bones.

But, breakfast, you're pulling me in two separate directions. Milk, I think you did the right thing as, until yesterday, I knew Chris Brown only as the dancing choad in that gum commercial that looks like an iPod commercial. But, Kellogg's, who do you think buys Froot Loops, Eggo waffles, and EL Fudge cookies?

Olympians. That's who.

I haven't felt this conflicted over breakfast since my parents' divorce. Nonetheless, if there's one thing we can all agree on, I think it's that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Words are all we have.

I got this tattoo of a lotus flower last October but, now that I'm feeling like myself again, I've been thinking I'd like something a tad more pessimistic to balance it out. Also, I really want some words, and in retrospect, I can't believe I totally disregarded my love of words when I got my lotus tattoo.

A few weeks ago, I thought I'd like something on my other flank. Either: "Words are all we have", or "Quintessence of dust".

The latter is ruined because it kind of rhymes with Evanescence, and if I ever get naked in front of someone who doesn't love Samuel Beckett as much as I love Samuel Beckett, the former will become a constant reminder of our incompatibility.

So, then I was thinking I might like: "They want to know which tools. They never ask why build".

But, I don't really want two tattoos so much as I want to be able to redo the first one; so, I'm thinking I should add onto the first one. I thought "Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt" would be a good add-on for the lotus, until I remembered what tattooing feels like. Now I'm considering "A supposedly fun thing I'll never do again".