Saturday, September 12, 2009

I'm no pundit.

I would have probably just called Wilson a knuckle-dragging asshat and moved on, naively assuming no one could possibly be taking this guy seriously -- and that's why I don't have a TV show. But Keith Olbermann really laid the smack in a nearly-unparalleled way.

"Of course your comments were 'inappropriate' and 'regrettable.' You are a Republican trying to de-legitimize the elected president of the United States. That's all you do, and that's all you've got."

"Look, Congressman: all capital letters! For the benefit of the factually-challenged."

"If, whether through stupidity or a willful attempt to mislead the gullible, you decided to spend whatever credibility remained to you on a position in which you are utterly, inarguably, and in a manner obvious to newborns and the more sophisticated of farm animals -- WRONG -- you apologize for your lack of 'civility,' when are you going to apologize for your lack of being right?"

"I was almost too fearful of using that word, 'impregnably,' because of the prospect that Governor Palin would go after me the way she went after David Letterman."

"The time has come to rise up and take this country back -- to again make it safe for people who actually completed the seventh grade."

I'm so smitten.

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