Wednesday, July 22, 2009

National Racist Week

Hey, racists!

Hats off to you, this week, for really stepping up your game. First, you arrested a black Harvard professor, blatantly furthering the notion that Boston is one of the most flagrantly racist places in America. But blaming the victim isn't just for cops anymore; some Boston Globe readers even got in on the action and left insightful anonymous comments [sic]:

Here we go. Let's blow this out of all proportion. Let's not wait until we hear the full story....bring on the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton circus.

sure. EVERY minority who has to deal w/ the police, merited or not, is the victim of...what was that again? racial profiling? oooh that sounds bad, the cops r badd peeple!

Enough of throwing down the race card ... we have a Black President now, so that tired old ship has sailed. The guy got indignant like any self-important Harvard professor does, pulled the old "Do you know who I am?" routine, and got arrested as a result.

Then, not to be outdone by those uppity bitches who can't even pronounce the letter R, but think it's a word, the Midwest stepped up its game and kicked some brown kids out of a swimming pool for altering 'the complexion' and 'atmosphere' of a country club.

No, really.

Now, of course, the Creative Steps daycare is suing the Valley Swim Club and Tyler Perry is bankrolling 65 of those brown kids to go to Disney World -- for two days. What a selfless and truly inspired move that is not only tax deductible, but will also completely erase the pain of racism -- for two days.

Coming soon to a theatre near you: Madea Makes a Nominal Effort.

Now look, South, I know you've had this racism thing in the bag since before Satan planted the slaves' bones here to trick President Lincoln into signing the Emancipation Proclamation, but don't get complacent on me now. You've been awfully quiet this week. Imagine: 65 yankee brown kids with minimal supervision in the happiest place on Earth™. That's a little freebie from the Midwest. Can you put down the Mountain Dew long enough to extend some Southern hospitality™?

1 comment:

  1. have you seen this?
