IN THIS ECONOMY, I guess I can understand why advertisers might feel the need to resort to the overt sexualization of, well, everything. For example:
Personally, I find that ad a tad ambiguous for my taste. I prefer this:
In case you missed it: unmanageable pubic hair is unsightly.
Personally, I find that ad a tad ambiguous for my taste. I prefer this:
In case you missed it: unmanageable pubic hair is unsightly.
Some homophobes are, apparently, upset about this Quizno's ad -- but only because the oven is male:
Speaking of phallic sandwiches, the reigning champion of ads-that-make-everyone-regrettably-uncomfortable is still Burger King. Good-bye, homoerotic King of yore.

IN THIS ECONOMY, we've decided to go a different direction -- with doe-eyed blond blowup dolls who are visibly frightened and awed by the uber-masculine, vegetable-less Super Seven Incher.

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